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Standard Space
Standard Space Pricing
  • Creation of standard virtual event spaces.
  • Ideal for Small to Mid-Size Events: Perfect for workshops, seminars, and smaller conferences.
  • Customizable Environments: Tailored to fit the specific needs of your event.
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Large Space
Large Space Pricing
  • Suitable for Large Conferences: Designed for events with multiple sessions and activities.
  • Scalable Solutions: Can be expanded to fit the growing needs of your event.
  • Development of larger, more complex virtual environments.
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XL Space
XL Space Pricing
  • Design and implementation of extensive, intricate virtual worlds.
  • Best for Major Events: Perfect for large-scale conferences, expos, and festivals.
  • Unlimited Opportunities: Provides ample space for various activities, including keynotes, breakout sessions, and exhibitions.
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Complete features list

Cost Features Number of Assets Created Asset Dimensions Additional Services
Marketing Services
Pre-Event Marketing - Basic $999 Basic social media and email marketing campaign. Overview of event goals and target audience identification. 5 social media posts, 1 Promotional Video Asset, 1 email newsletter template, 1 digital flyer. Social Media Posts: 1080x1080 (Instagram), 1200x628 (Facebook), 1024x512 (Twitter). Email Newsletters: 600x1500. Digital Flyer: 8.5x11 inches (PDF). Basic copywriting and design. Scheduling of social media posts. Email template integration with your email marketing platform.
Pre-Event Marketing - Enhanced $2,499 Comprehensive digital marketing campaign including social media, email, and advising paid ads. Detailed event goals, target audience analysis, and engagement strategy. 10 social media posts, 2 Promotional Video Assets, 1 Branded Instructional Video Asset, 3 email newsletters, 2 digital flyers, 2 banner ads. Social Media Posts: 1080x1080 (Instagram), 1200x628 (Facebook), 1024x512 (Twitter). Email Newsletters: 600x1500. Digital Flyers: 8.5x11 inches (PDF). Banner Ads: 728x90 (leaderboard), 300x250 (medium rectangle). Advanced copywriting and graphic design. A/B testing for email subject lines and social media posts. Analytics and reporting on campaign performance.
Post-Event Marketing - Video Production $799 Creation of highlight reels and recap videos to extend the event’s impact. Focus on key moments and attendee testimonials. 1 highlight reel (2-3 minutes), 1 event recap video (5-7 minutes). Videos in HD resolution (1920x1080 and 1080x1920). Professional video editing. Incorporation of event branding and graphics. Background music and voice-over if required. Delivery in multiple formats (MP4, AVI).
Post-Event Marketing - Analytics Report $399 Detailed analysis of event reach and engagement metrics. Insights into attendee behavior and feedback. 1 comprehensive analytics report. Report in PDF format, typically 5-10 pages. Data visualization (charts, graphs). Executive summary and actionable insights. Recommendations for future events.
Cost Features Included Services Best Practices
Event Management Services
Event Management - Pre-Check $99 Comprehensive pre-event technical and system checks. Comprehensive: World pre-check performed by one of our Dream Designers to clean up any performance issues and ensure the world looks good and the video is running smoothly. Multiple test runs to identify and fix potential issues.
Documentation of procedures and backup plans.
Event Management - Video Capture $499 Professional digital video recording of your event. Digital Recording: High-quality digital recording of live sessions, presentations, and keynotes.
Editing and Processing: Basic editing to remove any dead air or interruptions and enhance video quality.
Branding Integration: Incorporation of event branding elements such as logos and overlays.
Multiple Formats: Delivery of final video in multiple formats (MP4, AVI) suitable for various platforms.
Use of high-definition recording equipment.
Clear audio capture.
Proper lighting and framing.
Ensuring confidentiality and data protection.
Event Management - Support $399 Ongoing technical and logistical support throughout the event. Technical Assistance: Real-time troubleshooting for any technical issues that arise during the event.
Logistical Coordination: Coordination of event logistics, including session transitions and speaker management.
Help Desk: Providing a help desk for attendees to resolve access or usability issues.
Communication Management: Facilitating communication between event organizers, speakers, and attendees.
Proactive problem-solving.
Clear documentation and guidelines.
Regular updates and communication with the event team.
Event Management - Livestream $399 Management of all live streaming aspects during the event. Setup and Configuration: Proper setup and configuration of streaming software and hardware.
Monitoring and Support: Continuous monitoring and technical support during the live stream to resolve any issues in real-time.
Streaming Platform Integration: Integration with platforms like YouTube Live, Vimeo, or a proprietary streaming solution.
Quality Control: Ensuring optimal streaming quality with minimal lag and buffering.
Use of high-quality streaming equipment.
Regular testing and rehearsals.
Clear communication with speakers.
Cost Features Included Services Training Methods Best Practices
Training Services
Training - 2 Sessions $499 Two comprehensive training sessions. Session 1: Platform Familiarization: Overview of the Provenonce platform, including navigation, basic functions, and customization options.
Session 2: Advanced Features and Troubleshooting: Detailed training on advanced interactive features, troubleshooting common issues, and optimizing user experience.
Zoom Sessions: Interactive Zoom calls for real-time guidance and Q&A.
Immersive Space Training: Hands-on training within the virtual event space to ensure practical understanding.
Recording of sessions.
Q&A segments.
Follow-up resources and support documentation.
Additional Options: Customized training based on your specific event needs.
Follow-up Q&A session for $199.
Training - 4 Sessions $799 Four in-depth training sessions. Session 1: Platform Familiarization: Basic navigation and setup.
Session 2: Interactive Features: Detailed training on interactive elements like Q&A, polls, and networking zones.
Session 3: Event Management: Best practices for managing live events, including session transitions and attendee support.
Session 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization: Advanced troubleshooting techniques and tips for optimizing the user experience.
Zoom Sessions: Real-time, interactive Zoom calls.
Immersive Space Training: Hands-on training within the virtual event space to ensure practical understanding.
Comprehensive training materials.
Interactive Q&A sessions.
Follow-up support for additional questions.
Additional Options: Customized additional training sessions at $199 each.
Post-event debrief session for $299.
Cost Base Package Extended Package Flexibility Scalability
Event Usage
Event Usage $X 40 User-Hours: $120. Includes access to all standard features.
Additional User-Hours: $3 per user-hour.
1000 User-Hours: $4,000. Includes priority support and enhanced analytics.
Additional User-Hours: $3 per user-hour for events with up to 2000 attendees. $4 per user-hour for events over 2000 attendees.
Choose the package that fits your event's size and complexity. Add user-hours as needed.
Event usage must be paid in advance.
Provenonce’s platform is designed to easily scale up for larger events. Simply purchase additional user-hours as needed.
Cost Features Number of Assets Created Supported Languages Best Practices
Additional Services
Translation Services $120* Post-event translation services to ensure content is accessible to a global audience. Up to 600 words per package.
*Additional words at $0.20 per word.
Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese. High-quality review and timely delivery.
Video Content Transcription and Subtitling $50 per Hour Professional transcription and subtitling of event videos. 1 hour of video content per package.
Additional hours at $50 per hour.
Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese. Professional subtitling and fit to match your brand. Multiple format delivery.

What We Offer

Our platform offers a range of features to help businesses achieve their goals. From immersive web experiences to gamified solutions, we have everything you need to engage your customers and build a loyal community.

Immersive Web Experiences

Our browser-based metaverse provides a highly immersive experience that can take your customers on a journey like never before. With our platform, you can create fully-realized virtual worlds that your customers will love.

Connect Globally, Anytime

Our platform breaks down geographical barriers, enabling attendees from all over the world to join your events effortlessly, expanding your reach and increasing inclusivity.

Interactive Features

From live Q&As to real-time polls and breakout sessions, our interactive features ensure that every attendee can contribute and engage just as they would in person.

Comprehensive Analytics

Post-event, dive into detailed analytics to gain insights into attendee behavior. Use this data to refine your strategies and plan even more successful future events.
Get ready to take your business to the next level with Provenonce. Our innovative solutions can help you engage your customers, build a loyal community, and boost your brand.
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